Happy Valentine’s Day! Sweet Treats from the Japanese Side of the Internet


Hi hi! Jess here!

Happy Belated Valentine’s Day! We’re a little late to the party this year, but think of it this way—you’ve got plenty of time to plan next year’s special day, and celebrate with a Japanese twist (castella kitties anyone?).

In our video, I gave three sweet treat recipes my best go. One didn’t quite go the way I’d like, but I think two out of three isn’t bad at all!

Here are some more cute ideas for creating your own honmei-choco (“true feeling” chocolate, the opposite of giri-choco) for a special somebody in your life! Or yourself. Self-love is important too.

The links are in Japanese, but even if you can’t read, they’re simple enough that I think you’ll be able to whip these up in no time at all.

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